Maywood Ecology Store

Stop by the Maywood Ecology Store located within the Ecology Center for nature-themed books and gifts for all ages. Proceeds of the Ecology Store sales support our programs and park improvements. The Ecology Store is open during regular Ecology Center hours and during some special events.

The Store accepts cash or check payments.

Currently available in the store

  • Nature-themed books for adults and children
  • Indoor and outdoor toys for kids including puzzles; insect houses magnifying bug viewer; pond and butterfly nets
  • Bird houses and feeders; bat house kits
  • Field Guides for Wisconsin including birds, flowers, trees, butterflies, insects and more
  • Goat milk soaps and lotions
  • Maywood logo items
  • Jewelry
  • And much more

Members of the Ellwood H. May Environmental Park Association receive a discount on many items.

Maywood Syrup
Maywood's Own Maple Syrup

Order a Custom Aldo Leopold Bench

Aldo Leopold benches can be taken to your home or donated for use at Maywood. Each bench is 4-feet long and can be customized with a name or phrase. Please allow 3 weeks when ordering your bench. We accept cash or check payment for bench orders.

Print Bench Order Form